What if I actually wanted to write a real blog, and keep it going and add things to it every day? I've often thought about doing this, but what if no one read it? Worse, what if I bared my soul and put down things that I really feel, and everyone read it? I know I have lots to say; God knows I'm always thinking stuff, and some of it comes out of my mouth at the most inopportune time, and I end up with my food in my mouth, up to my knee.
So, I googled "best blog sites" and came up with a short list. After getting excited, I looked further, and found out that the blog pages that are most recommended require having a website with a dedicated web address. Well, I've always wanted to have a website too...I need a website for my photography, so the research continued. At $3.49/month it seemed reasonable, and I began the setup process. Of course the $3.49/month turned into an up front payment of $181 with real monthly payments closer to $20/month. Still not bad, but, now I had to ask myself if I really needed a website in order to have a blog. And, did I really want a blog page? Would I really keep it up? Would I really write every day with the hopes that someone would (or wouldn't) read my posts. And, do I really have that much to say? And do I really want people to know what I'm really thinking? And should I really be telling people what I really think, or should I mind my own business and let them live their lives in blissful ignorance?
Now, my brain hurts, and I have to think about what is real and what isn't. To be continued....
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